Hair Loss Due to Chemotherapy? What Can You Do?

December 24, 2021 Wigs Views: 1337

It is a common misconception that cancer causes hair loss. This is not true. Certain types of chemotherapy that you have to undergo because of cancer can cause hair loss on your head and other parts of your body, such as eyebrows, eyelashes, and so on. In addition, radiation therapy can also cause hair loss in the area of the body being treated. The resulting anxiety about appearance can be mentally devastating. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it. It’s helpful to know if the cancer treatment you’re about to undergo will cause hair loss and what strategies your doctor or nurse will offer you. Today we will go over what you can do if you are experiencing hair loss due to chemotherapy.

Ways to deal with hair loss:

- Always be gentle with your hair. Try to use a soft-bristled hairbrush or wide-tooth comb. It’s best not to use products like hairdryers, irons, or clips that have the potential to damage your scalp. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo. And don’t always wash your hair.

- Protect and take care of your scalp. Use sunscreen or wear a hat when you’re outside. Choose a comfortable scarf or hat that you like and keeps your head warm. If your scalp is itchy or feels soft, using lotions and conditioners can help it feel better.

- Choose to cut your hair short. Cutting your hair short is easier to deal with when your hair starts to fall out. Also, you can choose to shave your head. If you choose to shave your head, use an electric razor so you don’t cut yourself. If you plan to buy a wig, buy one while you still have hair so you can match it to your hair color. You can also try wearing a comfortable scarf or bandana if you feel hot in a wig.

- Tell your family and friends about how you feel. Many people feel angry, frustrated, or embarrassed about hair loss. It can be helpful to share these feelings with someone who understands you. Some people find it helpful to talk to others who have lost their hair during cancer treatment. Sharing your fears and concerns with your loved ones, friends or family is not a sign of weakness. On the contrary, your family will understand you and not see it as unreasonable behavior.

Will your hair grow back?

Hair usually grows back after chemotherapy within 2 to 3 months after treatment ends. When your hair starts to grow back, your hair will be very fine. Sometimes your new hair will be curlier or straighter, or even a different color. Over time, the hair may return to its pre-treatment appearance.

Hair usually grows back after radiation treatment within 3 to 6 months after the treatment ends. If you received a very high dose of radiation therapy, your hair may grow finer or not grow at all in the area treated with radiation.

How to care for your hair after it grows back?

Treat your hair gently. I know this has been mentioned before. But you should always be gentle with your hair, especially when it starts to grow back. Try to avoid too much combing, curling, and blow-drying, and it’s best not to wash your hair too often.

Don’t comb wet hair. Brushing wet hair makes it insanely easy for hair to shed. Cuticles open up and the hair is weakly attached to the follicles while it is wet. Due to friction that comes with brushing or combing, your hair shaft detaches from the follicles. I think you won’t want to lose your hair again.

Use gentle and natural hair products.

Always check the ingredients of your shampoo before purchasing and using them. I know it is a tedious task to read those complex compounds written in tiny letters. But if you fail to do that, you might be exposing your hair and scalp to harmful chemicals that will leave your hair suffering in the long run.

These are the chemicals in your shampoo that you need to defer from:

1) Sodium Chloride.

2) Parabens.

3) Diethanolamine (DEA) and Triethanolamine (TEA)

4) Alcohol.

5) Propylene Glycol (PEG)

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How to get thicker hair?

Get Regular Trims

I know it’s not easy to regain your hair and surely, you’ll think I’m crazy, but regular trimming can actually help your hair grow longer. Hair that is not trimmed regularly can develop split ends. If left untreated, these split ends can move up the hair shaft and break the hair. So, if you want to make your hair thicker by keeping it healthy and preventing breakage, then go to the barber for a fine trim every 2-3 months or so.

Eat nutritious food

When it comes to having long, thick hair, nutrition is key. To make sure that you get all the vitamins and minerals that you need for healthy hair growth, take hair growth supplements. In addition to this, you can also eat healthy foods such as fruits, walnuts, etc.

Massage your scalp

Regularly massaging your scalp is another simple lifestyle change you can make to increase the thickness of your hair this way. Why? Because scalp massage improves blood circulation to your scalp. Your blood carries the nutrients you eat to your cells, so it makes sense that by encouraging blood flow to the hair follicles, you can help them get all the nutrients they need for healthy hair growth.

Wear wigs

Whether you have to grow your hair out or just a little bit, wigs can give you the long hair you want instantly.

In addition to this, synthetic hard front wigs are inexpensive and last a long time. It is a great way to get your confidence back and never have to go through the tough times without hair again.


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